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Poets of the fall-Where Do We Draw the Line

On your palm an endless wonder
Lines that speak the truth without a sound
In your eyes awaits the tireless hunger
Already looks for prey to run down

So why do we keep up this charade
How do we tell apart the time to leave from the time to wait

What does tomorrow want from me
What does it matter what I see
If it can't be my design
Tell me where do we draw the line

The dance of flames and shadows in the street
Make poetry nobody's ever heard
The weight of loneliness stands on your feet
The cage already there around the bird

So why don't we join the masquerade
Before it all falls apart before our love becomes insatiate

What does tomorrow want from me
What does it matter what I see
If I can't choose my own design
Tell me where do we draw the line

Where's the cooling wind
Where's the evergreen field
Where's my mother's open arms
Where's my father lionheart
S'like the sun's gone down
Sleeps in the hallowed ground now
With the autumn's browns leaves
With the one who never grieves

What does tomorrow want from me
What does it matter what I see
If we all walk behind the blind
Tell me where do we draw the line

Whatever tomorrow wants from me
At least I'm here, at least I'm free
Free to choose to see the signs
This is my line


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Suuuuper piesa.Mersi.

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Maria - Iubire la 10 ani.

Dialog intre fetita de 10 ani si mama: Mama : Ce s-a mai intamplat astazi la scoala? Fetita : In pauza J.(baietel) mi-a facut semn sa mergem la locul secret. Si, stii, acolo avem noi o cheie secreta imaginara si ne imaginam ca aruncam secretul intr-un loc pe harta si inchidem cu cheia (n.a. la locul secret este o harta). Mama : Si? Fetita : Si sa stii ca J. a spus ca ma place! Mama : Cum asa? Fetita : Pai, mai intai m-a intrebat daca eu il plac pe el. am zis incetisor ca da. Si pe urma, daca m-a intrebat el, l-am intrebat si eu daca el ma place pe mine. Si a zis ca da. Si am aruncat fiecare secretul asta in celalalt capat al galaxiei. Mama : Si dupa aceea ce ati mai facut? Fetita : Pai am mai vorbit despre ce mai facem pe acasa. 

Pierduta. Gasitorului recompensa.

Ce lume, mon cher! Nu mai inteleg nimic, serios! (nu ca as fi inteles vreodata ceva). Eu stiu de cand ma stiu ca am reactii paradoxale. Extraveralul imi provoaca aritmii, calmantele ma agita..etc. Dar asta!? Rasfoiesc veveveul despre simptome de sevraj nicotinic... Absolut toate, dar toate articolele mentioneaza irascibilitatea/agresivitatea ca efect secundar. De cand m-am lasat de fumat parca m-a anesteziat cineva. Sunt moale, fluffy, pasnica, aiurita , aburita si defocusata siiiiiii ... Gooooooooood, nici agresiva in exprimare nu mai pot fi !!!! Mi-a anihilat complet orice urma de incisivitate. E exasperant. Soft, foggy, blurry.. Si dulce. Oh, da...gretos de dulce, la cate cheese cake-uri, baclavale si prajituri ciocolatoase ingerez impreuna cu Ioana, in ultimul timp. Ma vreau inapoi, exact asa cum eram, dar fara viciu! Gasesc tot cheesiness-ul asta dezgustator, inacceptabil, intolerabil, no way, no how, no no no! Daca ma gasiti pe undeva, va rog sa ma returnati mie. Ofer recompensa.


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